Thursday, 1 May 2014

It's been a long time

There hasn't been a lot of fly fishing or tying, sine summer. School, work and personal life sometimes get in the way, and I definitely hate to force myself to do things I like, just to do the. So I took a break from fly fishing and focused on photography part of the hobby instead.

Can't say that I regret that.

Since my last fly fishing trip post, I've moved to Kristiansand (south of Norway) and I've started working (finally, got sick of being a poor-ass student :D )

But enough about the boring stuff, let's talk big fish and a bit about my plans for the fly fishing future.

The future part first.

Lately I've been "obsessing" with tropical fly fishing, bones, poon, redfish, anything that swims in hot water and kicks like ten mules. So I've started filling a few boxes with tropical style flies. I definitely won't be doing any tropical fly fishing this year, and maybe not next year, but 2016 vacation will be spent chasing fish in the tropics.

I will also start uploading tropical style SbS patterns.

Now for the big fish. can't say there has been many of them, I've only been on 10 short trips since I've moved here, but here is one of (hopefully many) to come :) 73 cm of pure Norwegian silver